Thursday 30 June 2011

Getting Things Done! --- 23 days

That sounds a lot more productive than it actually is. Mostly I've made appointments: tanning, make up trial, dress fitting, chiro, dentist ( those last two are not directly wedding related but I am trying to get the most of my parents medical benefits while I still can) and I'm sure I am missing some other ones, but it seems there is something almost everyday. Exciting and Exhausting.

Last I left you was the night before I had a bridal shower. The women were so generous, there were about 15 of us there, and many women who were unable to make it sent gifts. Aaron and I really appreciate their thoughtfulness as we could never afford to start out our life together with such amazing things for our kitchen (not that our wedding/marriage is about the things, but they sure do and some "glamour" to our very un-glamorous student lifestyle).
Here is a picture of the gifts spread out after I got home:

Favourite shower gift to give:
Tea-towels, we will have new tea towels for many years into our marriage. If I am lucky Aaron will get lots of use out of them.
Most interesting gift goes to my grandma (although the idea did come from my aunt). She bought us a cake pan, printed out a recipe, bought the ingredients for the recipe and wrapped them all up together:
This was so great for us, as we didn't have any groceries before the shower and this gift gave us some essentials like salt and baking soda in a creative way.

Tonight marks the beginning of Aaron's bach party, he won't be back until Saturday afternoon. I probably should have used the time to work out some wedding details ( we are running out of time fast), but instead I sewed some more cushion covers (equally good use of my time?) Here are the completed ones so far (I have 3 more to do):
The yellow one is the one that I mentioned in my previous post, and the other three I made tonight. I certainly have gotten faster since that first one, but I'm not sure my skill has improved. I realize this is not a good picture, but I was taking the picture in my room and they really don't look good in there. The purpose of the picture was to show you the fabrics, and when we move into our new place I will show you them on the couch where they belong.

Happy Canada Day long weekend !

Monday 27 June 2011

Neglected--- 26 days

Today's word for the day: Neglected
Definition: My Blog.

I feel like So many things have happened I don't know were to start, and yet none of it is overly exciting. I have often thought about the blog, and how I should update it, but obviously I never did. Aaron and I have been soo busy. It seems like there is a never ending stream of wedding things that need to be done.

Today I had the day off, which was awesome. I had a chance to sleep in and get a few projects done. For a while now I have been collecting cheap picture frames and spray painting them white. Today I finished the majority of them.

These two are a garage sale find and I love the way they turned out.


A close up of the pattern.
The rest:
 I also love this one. Another garage sale find. They said it was from Bali. I love the detail!
Soon I will be able to show a picture of them hanging in our new place!

I also managed to finish my first pillow cover today, but I did not have time to take a picture, maybe tomorrow I will share that project. After all my "hard" work we spent the evening with our good friends, welcoming there new "little girl" into their family:
Her name is Rose, and she is a sweetheart. If Aaron is lucky, she will change my view of dogs.

Last of all a couple little updates:
1. We get possession (I don't know if you actually say that when you are just renting...) on Sunday evening,    and we are both so excited.I have some things packed already and I am looking forward to unpacking them and setting up our new home.  Hopefully I will have some pictures to share soon.
2. Tomorrow evening the ladies for Aaron's church are throwing me a shower. It is so thoughtful of them and I am looking forward to getting to know them a bit better and to having a fun girly evening

Tuesday 7 June 2011

TA DA!! -- 46 days

Today I say Ta Da for two reasons, 1 Aaron and I found a place to live and 2 my first "big" project is complete.

Starting with our place. The building is a duplex, the basement is divided into 2 suites and we are renting one of them. It is located in Sutherland, and there are fantastic bus routes to the university so that is awesome for us. It is a really small place, but it seems clean and there are a lot of big windows so we will make it work. The craziest part of all of this is that I haven't actually been in the place. Aaron had a few days off work and went to see some places, I happened to be working when he looked at this place so I couldn't go. He though that it was a good idea to get it so I trusted him ( and the pictures that I saw). He has some pictures on his blackberry, I will post them sometime.

And the second thing, my first "big" project. I put big in quotes because it is my largest so far, but it really isn't that big.  I got the idea for the end table off of an episode of marriage under construction on HGTV.  I got this end table off kijiji for $15:
I took it apart and spray painted it in "aluminium". Ran into a a couple of hick ups (won't bore you with details), worked them out.
The top is covered with a mirror that I found at stokes for $35. It was more than I wanted to spend, but I knew that it was perfect.

I have yet to glue the mirror to the table top. I think it is safer to wait until after we move, but this is what it will look like:
I absolutely love it. I think it might have even turned out better than my inspiration one.
All together it cost me almost $60, more than I was anticipating spending, but still much cheaper than buying an end table brand new (and I wouldn't like it half as much) so it is worth it.