Thursday 15 November 2012

Life Lately

I haven't been doing so great at this blogging thing. I always have good intentions.. and that is where it ends!!

I mentioned previously that I may be changing jobs. At the time I was going through the recruiting process (info sessions, interviews, socials, networking, etc, etc..) It was unbelievably hectic, but so worth it. January 7th I will begin my career as an accountant. After 5 years of university, it feels great to start my career! I am working for one of the "big four", and will be working in tax (I LOVE tax. Nerdy I know).

Hub's basketball team has started another season. They haven't had a great start, but I believe they will make a come back.

Hubs convocated. So proud of him!!

My puppy is growing like crazy. He is just over 5 months, and his last weigh in was 20 pounds. What!! No wonder I can't hold him for very long. Hope you think he is as cute as I think he is because here is a picture overload:
For size reference, this was shortly after we got him. He was about 7lbs.
He has always loved chewing sticks. Weirdo.

He loves to Snuggle. Add in a blanket and he is in doggie heaven.
He also loves to see what is going on on the laptop. He likes to lay his head on the keys.
Sunday afternoon nap. I told you he loves to cuddle.
This is one of my most recent pictures of Gary. I can't believe how big he is!