Tuesday 22 January 2013

New Year. New Job. New Clothes

Hello. It has been so long. Again.
If I posted more often I wouldn't have to make every post an "update".

So I will start with Happy New Year. I know this is old news, but I mean it! Hope everybody had super amazing holidays. Ours were really nice, but they went by way to quickly. I have two weeks off of work and it was fantastic. I feel like I was busy most of that time - yet I didn't really do/accomplish anything. Not really sure how that works.

Second, I started my new job! I am official a "Tax Analyst". Sounds fancier than it is. So far it has consisted of a LOT of learning and feeling overwhelmed. I know it is going to take a while to feel comfortable and have an idea of what I am doing, I am trying to deal with this.

With this new job came lots of new clothes. The dress code at my office is quite a bit more professional than places that I have worked in the past. I felt that I needed quite a few new things, but I think I may have gone a little overboard with skirts and pants. The sales that I found were fantastic ( I am a sucker for a good sale!!), I will be sharing them with you as well. I may not need winter clothes for a long time. Don't tell the hubby, because we all know I will buy them anyway. Once spring comes I will have to put the wool and tweed into storage and go on another spree for spring/summer clothes (looking forward to it), I could also use more dress shirts, but I will have to do this in stages!

In the mean time I will try to share some of these new clothes. It has been extremely cold here, so most of the pictures are pretty lame, with me trying to find a clean place in the house to take them. Ignore the surroundings, focus on the clothes. Thank you. And here is my outfit from my first day at the new job:

 Yes, I did leave my tree up well into January...

 A little bit closer up on the faux fur collar. (Major love for faux fur right now!)
Here it is hanging. Gives a better idea of the length (since my "assistant cut off the bottom in all the pictures)
The coat is from RW&Co. On boxing day (the day after Christmas for any non-Canadians) RW&Co was having a sale 50% of entire store (except new arrivals). They had a lot of items, including this coat, that were already on sale and you got an additional 50% of the sale price. That is my kind of sale!

And the outfit under the coat.

Out Fit Details:
Shirt: American Eagle - I believe that this was on sale for $19, this is a couple months old
Skirt RW&Co.  - at 50% off the sale price it came to $30
Shoes: Expression (from The Bay) - at 40% of the sale price they came to $30
Coat: RW&Co. - at 50% off the sale price it came to $97

Close up of the skirt material. Love this color!                And the shoes up close.

Wow that got long. Come back for some more outfits, and more amazing sales!

Thursday 15 November 2012

Life Lately

I haven't been doing so great at this blogging thing. I always have good intentions.. and that is where it ends!!

I mentioned previously that I may be changing jobs. At the time I was going through the recruiting process (info sessions, interviews, socials, networking, etc, etc..) It was unbelievably hectic, but so worth it. January 7th I will begin my career as an accountant. After 5 years of university, it feels great to start my career! I am working for one of the "big four", and will be working in tax (I LOVE tax. Nerdy I know).

Hub's basketball team has started another season. They haven't had a great start, but I believe they will make a come back.

Hubs convocated. So proud of him!!

My puppy is growing like crazy. He is just over 5 months, and his last weigh in was 20 pounds. What!! No wonder I can't hold him for very long. Hope you think he is as cute as I think he is because here is a picture overload:
For size reference, this was shortly after we got him. He was about 7lbs.
He has always loved chewing sticks. Weirdo.

He loves to Snuggle. Add in a blanket and he is in doggie heaven.
He also loves to see what is going on on the laptop. He likes to lay his head on the keys.
Sunday afternoon nap. I told you he loves to cuddle.
This is one of my most recent pictures of Gary. I can't believe how big he is!

Monday 29 October 2012

Spring? & Pattern Mixing

I wore this outfit at the beginning of last spring. It was just barely warm enough to go out without a coat, but I was ready to start with spring colors. It was also my first attempt at pattern mixing. Does it Work?

Sweater: American Eagle
Shirt: Old Navy
Jeans: American Eagle
Shoes: Spring

I know it is the wrong time of year for a spring outfit, but if you switched out the shoes for some boots it would work for fall.

These shoes were a gift from a friend, when I was a bridesmaid in her wedding. I love the color.

Recently I have had some really good luck at the thrift store, I am hoping to share these finds soon.

Monday 15 October 2012

Colored Jeans

Is anyone else loving the colored jeans craze?! These are the first pair that I bought. 

Sunnies, Jeans, and Shirt purchased in Fl.

These shoes were a steal! Nine West on clearance for $13 at Winners. 
Sunnies: Nine West, Shirt: H&M, Jeans: Ross, Shoes: Nine West via Winners

I was surprised by how much I love colored jeans. I thought it would be hard to make outfits with them, but that is not the case. Can't wait to add some more colors to my closet. 

Thursday 11 October 2012


Hope everyone had a fantastic Thanksgiving. Ours was full of family and friends, and having the extra day off was beyond amazing!

So way back in February I posted this pictured of the stuff that I bought in Florida.

I also said that I would post pictures of me wearing it. HA. Obviously that didn't happen. I did take a few a couple of photos and didn't post them.  So today I will share one of those.

P.S the nude shoes in the front were in my previous post in the convocation section.

This was work outfit for casual Friday:

The shoes were purchased at Ross in FL.

The button down shirt was also purchased in FL.
Shirt: H&M, Sweater Vest: Costa Blanca (old), Necklace: Forever 21 (old), Jeans: American Eagle, Shoes: Steve Madden from Ross

Clearly the color of the day was blue.

Monday 8 October 2012

Where Has The Time Gone?

I cannot believe it has been half a year since the last post. So much has happened.

I've been busy, and had no desire to blog. I'm not sure the desire is back yet, but I'll give it a go.
Since so much has happened since my last post, I don't know where to begin. Luckily I have taken a few pictures over the last few months, so I remember a few of the things that have happened over the last few months.


Aaron's basketball team got 1st in their division. I was so proud of them. This season they are moving up two divisions, I am so excited to start watching their games again!

I got a few pictures but it was hard to get any good ones.

Here are a few boys waiting on the bench. Aaron is on the far right.
They are getting new jerseys this year, hopefully they look a lot better.

The whole team after receiving their medals for first place!

Later in the month we went on a weekend trip with Aaron's Basketball team for a tournament. They didn't do great, but we had a really fun weekend hanging out with friends.


I don't think anything special happened.


We moved..again.
We were living at my in-laws while they were away for the internet. When they got back we moved into a two bedroom condo. It is in great shape and we are loving it here.

I had my convocation ceremony. Not going to lie, it is a very long and boring ceremony, but it was a great experience.

Getting "Hooded"

Thanks for the flowers mom!

Out for lunch after the ceremony. My wonderful Mom bought me a new dress for the occasion.
We also had a chance to go to my beautiful cousins grade 12 grad.
The ladies on my Mom's side. (Missing one Aunt)
We ended of the month with a convocation party that my parents and in-laws threw fro both Aaron and I. We are so thankful for all the friends and family that came out.
I was so impressed with the cake that my Mom and Grandma made for the occasion.
The best part, our awesome parents got us a BBQ as a grad gift. We LOVE it!

One year anniversary. We had a pretty low key anniversary. We went out for supper and then picked up a bunch of snacks and watched a movie at home.

The hubs and I both started new jobs. Aaron is working as a purchaser for a local company, and I am working for the local health region in the payroll dept. Both of us are enjoying our jobs, but there may be more changes in this area soon (fingers crossed).

By far our biggest news is that we got a puppy. He is a full breed French Bulldog, and we are so in love with him.

Here he is shortly after we got him. I can't believe how much he has grown already.

Some where in here our camera broke, so phone pictures it is until we get a new one.

For the first time since Preschool, we didn't go back to school. Whoop!! I though that I might miss it, but so far no signs of missing school.

I took some oufit photos way back on March and April so I will be sharing those. Please excuse the snow in the background. Thank goodness there is no snow yet!

Wednesday 14 March 2012

Fashion Star

Did anyone watch fashion star last night? What did you think?

The concept is quite interesting, but I was expecting it to be a little more like Project Runway than it was. If you didn't see it/ haven't heard about it here is a quick rundown. The designers send a look down the runway, the "mentors" (Jessica Simpson, Nicole Richie, and John Varvatos) critique the look. Then buyers from Macy's, Saks Fifth Ave, and H&M have a chance to bid on the outfits. Whoever has the highest bid wins and will sell the look in the store that they represent, available that night. If none of the buyers make an offer then that designer is at risk of being eliminated. Last night there were multiple people who did not get an offer. They choose the three bottom designers. The mentors then had a chance to save one of them that they thought was most promising. From the remaining two the buyers would decide who was going home.

There were two looks that I would love to have. The first is this convertable skirt by Orly. The top layer can be zipped off so that it can be woren different ways. it was purchased by Saks, and with a Price tag of $363.32    there is no way I will be owning it any time soon, ever.


Pictures Via

The second look that I loved was by Sarah. Such a simple dress, and so chic. It could be woren so many different ways, dressed up and dressed down. The best part, with a price tag of $19.95 it is so affordable (at H&M). to bad there is no H&M near me, and no online store :(.

If someone is near one they could pick one up for me ;)

Whether or not this will be a weekly watch I have not yet decided.